Course Notes For Intro To Otonline Lutheran Bible Study

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    Books of the Old Testament in Chronological Order

John Kleinig taught at Australian Lutheran College. Before he retired, they recorded a class that he taught for many years. It was a required class for all those who were training to be pastors or deaconesses. It was an Introduction to the Bible class. The recordings of this and other classes have been made available at

  1. This is a Lutheran Bible Study of the book of Galatians. This study breaks Galatians down so that each day only a small number of verses are covered. The book is broken down into 22 lessons. So if one lesson is studied each week day, you will be able to go through the book of Galatians and this study in about one month.
  2. This is a Lutheran Bible Study of the book of Galatians. This study breaks Galatians down so that each day only a small number of verses are covered. The book is broken down into 22 lessons. So if one lesson is studied each week day, you will be able to go through the book of Galatians and this study in about one month.
  3. The Lutheran Study Bible Notes with NRSV spotlight introductions, commentary, and essays by more than 60 Lutheran pastors and professors. It's composed to invite readers to encounter the Bible's good news via sound contextual information, specifically Lutheran instruction, and ample occasion for personal contemplation.
  • Genesis (pdf)

  • Exodus (pdf)

  • Leviticus (pdf)

  • Numbers (pdf)

  • Deuteronomy (pdf)

  • Joshua (pdf)

  • Ruth (pdf)

  • 1st and 2nd Samuel (pdf)

  • See a study on the Poetry of the Psalms.

  • 1st and 2nd Kings (pdf)

  • See a Reference chart of all the kings of Israel and Judah (pdf).
  • 1st and 2nd Chronicles (pdf)

  • See a study on the Fulfillment of the Prophecies of Nahum.

    See a chart detailing the Chronology of the work of Haggai and Zechariah (pdf)
  • Esther

  • See a Chronology of events and people following the Babylonian Captivity (pdf).
If you would like more information about our study on the books of the Old Testament, or if you would like to offer any comments, please contact Pastor Mayhew.

This course will use Gerald McDermott's 'Indispensable Introduction to the World Religions' as a text to explore the great religions of the world. McDermott not only gets at the essence of the world's major religions, he also reflects on how Christians should appreciate and make sense of those religions without succumbing to universalism, i.e., believing that they are just different routes to the same goal. St. John will furnish texts to all those who want to take the course.

This class will meet in the Community Room.

Click on the dates below to download notes.

Do you find parts of the Old Testament difficult or boring to read? Do you have trouble understanding what to do with narratives in Scripture? Do you wonder how you are supposed to apply obscure Bible passages?

Course notes for intro to ot online lutheran bible study acts of the apostles

Important themes can be traced throughout the biblical narrative from Genesis to Revelation and culminate in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. These themes not only inform and enrich our reading of the Bible but also shape and influence our life in the world. Together we will discover these themes and learn to live in a manner consistent with the biblical story.

This class is a continuation of the previous course which was offered in the fall. We will use the same skills but will trace different themes throughout the Bible.

Class Outcomes:

1. Identify and trace design patterns throughout the biblical narrative.

2. Develop an imagination shaped by biblical images and metaphors.

3. Envision life through the lens these biblical images and metaphors.

Course Notes For Intro To Ot Online Lutheran Bible Study Book Of Daniel

We will meet in the Youth Center. 106: by any other name generator.

Join us for a yearlong, in-depth study of the Gospel of Luke. Sunday by Sunday, Pastor Mark will take us through Dr. Luke's historical record of the life, ministry, miracles, teaching, suffering, death, resurrection, and ascension of the Messiah Jesus. The Gospel of Luke serves as an 'orderly account' of the eyewitness reports that have been handed down from the apostles and others who were with Jesus in His earthly life. By writing his account, Luke's purpose is for us 'to have certainty concerning the things we have been taught.'

Course Notes For Intro To Ot Online Lutheran Bible Study For Today

Are you a mature believer in Jesus Christ? Then this course in the Gospel of Luke will help you gain even more foundation for your confidence in the Lord. Are you a new believer? Then the study of Luke's gospel will help bring you into deeper maturity in your life in Christ. Are you a seeker, not sure what you believe about Jesus but open to investigating the claims made about Him? Then, please come to this course! It's a perfect way to see for yourself what Jesus is all about.

Course Notes For Intro To Optonline Lutheran Bible Study Guide

Click on the dates below to download notes.

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